Test of Will…

I’m usually pretty good at putting things in context. I’m good at assessing how people understand, their frame of reference, their P.O.V., etc.

But sometimes, I wonder how some people have so little basic understanding of something that is standard for their !@#$%^ing job, that I just want to shake them and scream at them.

Instead I settle for tersely worded emails and condescending meeting presentations.

Seriously, figure your shit out. This isn’t even my discipline, so stop blaming my system for the fact you’re an idiot.

Stunted Growth…

I had really hoped better of my garden this year. I mean, the flowers I transplanted might come back, but they usually take a season to get back to where they were. That was expected. You’d think the daylilies would be booming, but they’re still in shock at having been uprooted.

I also need to remove more of the lawn for them to have room.

The other lily bulbs I put in? Nada (other than having to transplant one TWICE thanks to a frigging squirrel).

Veggies? Lackluster and dog-trampled.

Strawberries? See above.

I might be walking down the aisle with a tomato plant if this doesn’t turn around for me…


If the rain/heat could pick a direction this week, that’d be faboo.

I’s gots stuffs to do, dang it!

Though this week highlighted that if I survive until July, all the stuff I’ve been putting off until then is going to hit me like a freight train…



I know, I know, I keep saying it. I never seem to BUY that much stuff, and I seem to throw a lot of it out.


But it’s getting there…

The next month is going to be rough, and all I want to do is sit, knit, and be left alone for a month or two…

I have a feeling if I get a day off, I’ll be lucky.

Axe murderer…

So got the new-to-me bike fixed up this week. I had the genius idea I was going to bike to work.

Difficulty level; I haven’t ridden a bike on city streets in years.

Additional difficulty level; the pedal stride on a mountain bike is SHORT. Great for climbing hills, less great for my long freaking legs.

Also, whenever I brake, it sounds like the soundtrack from Psycho. Which adds a whole element of not actually wanting to stop to the equation, which I was not prepared for.

Additional Service…

Following the tragic demise of Steve, his cucumber brethren were found brutally mauled.

The canine culprit was caught red-pawed as the cucumbers and several onion bulbs were displaced from their homes in The Yard. It is still uncertain if there were red pepper casualties in the incident.

They are survived, as always, by several zucchini plants, Rupert the romaine lettuce, and a tomato plant which is stubborn as all hell, despite having been stepped on.

The strawberries located at the far side of The Yard were unavailable for comment, however the longstanding raspberry resident has complained about mistreatment from the same canine found to be responsible for this latest tragedy.


Today, we say goodbye to a fibrous, marshland plant of the celery variety. Apium graveolens, known as Steve to his friends, was found, or not found in fact, having disintegrated in a pot of dirt after a long battle with leaf-molt.

He is survived by his brother, Rupert, the romaine lettuce, who has been transplanted to The Yard in order to teach the less adept lettuce seedlings what they’re *supposed* to be doing, as well as every frigging zucchini plant, several tomato plants, a red pepper plant, and some lackluster chives and basil.

The service was held while his cucumber sister wilted upon arrival in The Yard. It is expected she will not survive his passing long.


Why can’t things ever happen in a measured, timely fashion? It’s like you sit around waiting for months on end and then ALL THE THINGS happen at the same time.

It’s great, and it feels like a huge ball of yay, but at the same time…

What the hell, man?